Crunchy Munchy

Saturday, March 5, 2011

hey , :) . fixie fixie ! . cehhh . copppp . act tu bukan story memey . hm . ok . my story is about my schoolmate , boy , yup ! that boy take mechanical course . auwwwww , smart doe ! and and . im just talk with him when our first orientation at our school . after that we dont talk anymore until one day i met him at canteen after tuition . we talk just for awhile because im afraid if someone look at us , and gossip then say that we are mencapap , means mencapap ? mencari publisiti .hm .im very happy when i saw him . i like to see his face . baby face and his not so tall , emmm . just like me . everyday i saw him and i met him because my friends close with his friends . landak :) , all my friends think that i like him . no way la . i just like to see his face , cute cute . i know his like someone at civil class :) , GOOD LUCK A

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